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The Socio intellectual Foundations of Malek Bennabi’s Approach to Civilization

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Book - The Socio-intellectual Foundations of Malek Bennabi’s Approach to Civilization - author : Badrane Benlahcene Since the publication of Samuel Huntington s The Clash of Civilizations concern about civilization has been reintroduced into the debate on the world order. Malek Bennabi _1905 1973_, prominent Algerian thinker and great Muslim intellectual, intently focused on unraveling the causes of Muslim decline and the success of Western civilization and culture….

Book - The Socio-intellectual Foundations of Malek Bennabi’s Approach to Civilization - author : Badrane Benlahcene Since the publication of Samuel Huntington s The Clash of Civilizations concern about civilization has been reintroduced into the debate on the world order. Malek Bennabi _1905 1973_, prominent Algerian thinker and great Muslim intellectual, intently focused on unraveling the causes of Muslim decline and the success of Western civilization and culture….

برای سفارش کتاب، کافی است نام و "کد کتاب" را از طریق پیامک یا تلگرام به شماره 09355621039 ارسال نمایید تا در اولین فرصت با شما تماس حاصل شود.
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