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Words of Love Fear and Hope

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Love is the cornerstone of worship. Worship is based on three pillars: love, fear and hope. Fearing Allah is from among the loftiest ranks of worship and the most beneficial of all. It is obligatory for everyone to fear Allah. Hope or Raja’ is one of the pillars of worship which is based on love, fear and hope. It is one of the greatest acts of the heart which is mentioned abundantly in the texts of the Shari’ah Qur’an and Sunnah and its doers are praised.

Love is the cornerstone of worship. Worship is based on three pillars: love, fear and hope. Fearing Allah is from among the loftiest ranks of worship and the most beneficial of all. It is obligatory for everyone to fear Allah. Hope or Raja’ is one of the pillars of worship which is based on love, fear and hope. It is one of the greatest acts of the heart which is mentioned abundantly in the texts of the Shari’ah Qur’an and Sunnah and its doers are praised.

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