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The Quran and Modern Science

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The Quran and Modern Science: This book has statements of a scientific nature contained in the Qur’an and other subjects to specialists from other disciplines. Astronomers, zoologists, geologists and specialists in the history of the earth would all have been struck, just as forcibly as medical doctors, by the presence in the Qur’an of highly accurate reflections on natural phenomena.

The Quran and Modern Science: This book has statements of a scientific nature contained in the Qur’an and other subjects to specialists from other disciplines. Astronomers, zoologists, geologists and specialists in the history of the earth would all have been struck, just as forcibly as medical doctors, by the presence in the Qur’an of highly accurate reflections on natural phenomena.

برای سفارش کتاب، کافی است نام و "کد کتاب" را از طریق پیامک یا تلگرام به شماره 09355621039 ارسال نمایید تا در اولین فرصت با شما تماس حاصل شود.
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