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Rethinking Education: Towards a global common good? - Rethinking Education: Towards a global common good?

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Rethinking the purpose of education and the organization of learning has never been more urgent. The result of the work of a Senior Experts Group established by the Director-General of UNESCO to rethink education in a changing world has now been comp...

Rethinking the purpose of education and the organization of learning has never been more urgent. The result of the work of a Senior Experts Group established by the Director-General of UNESCO to rethink education in a changing world has now been comp...

برای سفارش کتاب، کافی است نام و "کد کتاب" را از طریق پیامک یا تلگرام به شماره 09355621039 ارسال نمایید تا در اولین فرصت با شما تماس حاصل شود.
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